JDM Download Reset FAQ
Created Date:
Jan 2025
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Document Type(s):
How To, Info

Q: What is the JDM Download Reset?
A: The JDM Download Reset is a function in the Customer Support Portal that lets you reset (refresh) your data downloads that are available in the JDM application. You may want to use this function if something goes wrong with the data while updating your avionics system, for example, or if the data card malfunctions, or if there is a transfer error.

Q: How do I access the JDM Download Reset?
A: Access the JDM Download Reset in the Customer Support Portal; you must be signed-in.

Q: How do I perform a JDM Download Reset
A: Here are the basic steps:
1. Access the JDM Download Reset in the Customer Support Portal; you must be signed-in.
2. In the Customer Support Portal click your profile icon.
3. Select ‘JDM Download Reset.’
4. If you purchased data subscriptions, you will see the list of your downloads.
5. If you do not have a current subscription and you’d like to purchase one, please contact Sales.
6. Select the subscriptions you'd like reset (you may search for your tail or your serial number).
7. Select a reason for the download and press ‘Reset.” For a detailed description, please review thisKnowledge Article .

Q: What do I need to do after I have reset my downloads?
A: After you performed a download reset you must refresh the JDM application. Here are the steps:
1. Sign in to JDM.
2. In the upper left corner select ‘JDM’ and then ‘Refresh JDM.’
3. Choose your downloads and select one of the Update Options (Download and/or Transfer).

Q: What does ‘Not Resettable’ under Status mean?
A: You do not need to reset any of the subscriptions labelled ‘Not Resettable.’ Downloads for these subscriptions will always be available in JDM for current subscriptions. We added them to the JDM Download Reset to show you a complete set of downloadable subscriptions.
For more information on the Status field, see this Knowledge Article.

Q: What does ‘Recently Reset’ under Status mean?
A: This tag appears for services that you have reset within the last 24 hours. By clicking on 'Recently Reset,' you may review the details of the download reset in form of a support ticket (case).

Q: What does ‘Support Case’ under Status mean?
A: If something goes wrong after you request a download reset for data subscriptions, we log a support ticket (case) and our support teams will contact you with a solution.

Q: Can I reset multiple subscriptions at once?
A: Yes, you may reset any combination of subscriptions in one interaction.

Q: Are there limitations to how many download reset I can perform?
A: Yes, we limit the number of download resets per subscription and per time period. If you submit too many download resets, you will see a message to ‘Contact Support.’

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