H Symbol used on newly formatted SID/STAR 'to-scale' charts
Created Date:
Nov 2019
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Customers have stated "We noticed an 'H' symbol next to an airspace fix/navaid in the SID/STAR chart planview. Explain what this means?"

The "H" symbol serves as an indicator for crews to look for a published holding pattern that is shown 'off flight track' in an inset.

User-added image

With the conversion of the SID/STAR charts to the new "to-scale"-layout, these charts also became geo-referenced, which in turn activated the
depiction of the aircraft 'ownship' position on the chart.

Due to the modified scale of some charts,many aircrews use the charts in a zoomed-in scale (instead of viewing the full chart). As a result, a holding pattern shown in an inset may not be visible at the used zoom scale. Therefore, we decided to add the "H" symbology to provide crews with an indicator that there is a holding pattern depicted 'off flight track' in an inset.

The 'H' symbol has not yet been captured in our introduction legend pages, however, we are aware of this and will include it during the next scheduled revision of the airway manual legend pages.
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