Jeppesen Customer Support Portal now offers the ability for you to be able to reset your available downloads for services associated with your Jeppesen Distribution Manager application. Submit an online request and get instant results which can be seen in. your JDM app upon a cache reset. There is no more need to call in to support.
Follow link below to start request:
JDM Download Reset Request
To Access the JDM Download Reset in the Customer Support Portal; you must be signed-in.
How to perform a JDM Download Reset
Here are the basic steps:
1. Access theJDM Download Resetin the Customer Support Portal; you must be signed-in.
2. In the Customer Support Portal click your profile icon.
3. Select ‘JDM Download Reset.’
4. If you purchased data subscriptions, you will see the list of your downloads.
5. If you do not have a current subscription and you’d like to purchase on, please contact Sales. We’ll show the contact information for our Sales teams.
6. Select the subscriptions for which you need a reset (you may search for your tail or your serial number).
7. Select a reason for the download and press ‘Reset.”
After you performed a download reset you must refresh the JDM application. Here are the steps:
1. Sign in on your JDM application.
2. In JDM in the upper left corner select ‘JDM’ and then ‘Refresh JDM.’
3. Choose your downloads and select one of the Update Options (Download and/or Transfer).
For any other questions or info please refer to the JDM Download Reset FAQ.