Data loading procedure for Garmin G1000, G900X and for Perspective/Prodigy
Created Date:
Jan 2025
Article ID:
Avionics System/GPS
Document Type(s):
The Garmin Supplemental Data cards are stored in the bottom slot of the Primary Function Display (PFD) and in thebottom slot of the Multi-Function Display (MFD). The following databases are stored on the Garmin Supplemental Data cards:
- Basemap
- Obstacle
- Terrain
- Flight Charts or Jeppesen ChartView
- Safe Taxi
- Airport Directory (AOPA)
When downloading these databases, it is important to note that all of these updates are required to be downloaded to both Garmin Supplemental Data cards, with the exception of the Flight Charts or ChartView database. The charts database is only required on the MFDSupplemental Data card.
Garmin Support - G1000 Manuals and Documents
Database Locations
Image of G1000 Suppl Data Card
Jeppesen NavData (aviation/navigation database)
- The NavData (aviation/navigation database) should be loaded onto a separate, blank SD card no larger than 4GB capacity. It should not be loaded onto either of the Garmin Supplemental Data cards.
- The card can be any generic SD card and doesn't need to be purchased through Jeppesen or Garmin. For best results, use a 2GB card or less.
- At the aircraft; With the system OFF, place the updated SD card into the top slot of the PFD1 and cycle power. You will then be prompted to update the Navigation database. Once completed, follow the same procedure for the MFD and also the PFD2 if fitted to your aircraft. Once the update is complete, remove the SD card from the display unit. The Navigation database is copied from the SD card to the display units internal memory.