What is the ‘Download Only’ option for in Jeppesen Distribution Manager (JDM)?
Created Date:
Oct 2017
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The Download Only option can be found in the Update Options Area; by right-clicking on a service, or by double-clicking on a service. Download Only is available for all data services. Download Only allows you to transfer to a device (SD card, USB drive, etc.) at a later time, including when you are offline. This is especially useful if you do not have your device with you at the time. JDM will download and store the data on your computer for transfer later. When you are ready, all you need to do is drag the service to Transfer to Device. The status on the service will say Downloaded. Ready to transfer (offline) and the Download Only button will gray out. It is important to ensure the status has the offline tag before attempting to transfer while offline.

Download Only also prepares your terminal chart service for subsetting. You can select the Download Charts link on the terminal chart service and download the full set of data. This link functions the same as the drag and drop to Download Only or the Download Only button. Once the terminal charts have been downloaded to your computer, you can subset your coverage(s) into a smaller region.

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